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Options / **kwargs

All keyword arguments not mentioned in the function definitions above are used to update the default settings. The following optional arguments can be used:

Tokenization settings

  • ngram_size: The amount of characters in each n-gram. Default is 3.
  • regex: The regex string used to clean-up the input string. Default is r"[,-./]|\s".
  • ignore_case: Determines whether or not letter case in strings should be ignored. Defaults to True.
  • normalize_to_ascii: Determines whether or not unicode to ascii normarlization is done. Default to True.

Match and output settings

  • max_n_matches: The maximum number of matching strings in master allowed per string in duplicates. Default is 20.
  • min_similarity: The minimum cosine similarity for two strings to be considered a match. Defaults to 0.8
  • include_zeroes: When min_similarity ≤ 0, determines whether zero-similarity matches appear in the output. Defaults to True. (See tutorials/
  • ignore_index: Determines whether indexes are ignored or not. If False (the default), index-columns will appear in the output, otherwise not. (See tutorials/ for a demonstration.)
  • replace_na: For function match_most_similar, determines whether NaN values in index-columns are replaced or not by index-labels from duplicates. Defaults to False. (See tutorials/ for a demonstration.)

Performance settings

  • number_of_processes: The number of processes used by the cosine similarity calculation. Defaults to number of cores on a machine - 1.
  • n_blocks: This parameter is a tuple of two ints provided to help boost performance, if possible, of processing large DataFrames (see Subsection Performance), by splitting the DataFrames into n_blocks[0] blocks for the left operand (of the underlying matrix multiplication) and into n_blocks[1] blocks for the right operand before performing the string-comparisons block-wise. Defaults to None, in which case automatic splitting occurs if an OverflowError would otherwise occur.

Other settings

  • tfidf_matrix_dtype: The datatype for the tf-idf values of the matrix components. Allowed values are numpy.float32 and numpy.float64. Default is numpy.float64. (Note: numpy.float32 often leads to faster processing and a smaller memory footprint albeit less numerical precision than numpy.float64.)
  • group_rep: For function group_similar_strings, determines how group-representatives are chosen. Allowed values are 'centroid' (the default) and 'first'. See tutorials/ for an explanation.